
At the 2003 reunion almost $500 was raised at the first Gottung auction to offset many of the costs of the reunion. Start planning now for what you will bring to the reunion. It’s a great money making event—and laughs and competition among all of us family members! Here are some of ideas—but the sky's the limit! All things should be tagged with a short description so the auctioneer can describe it.
- Baskets with homemade items, handiwork, wine ang themed.
- Signed memorabilia.
- Something that is special from the area where you live, e.g.maple syrup from the North, Pralines from the South, etc.
- Homemade food.
- A framed family photo—it could be a simple snapshot, blown up at Walgreen's, of cousins goofing around as kids!
- A new Jacket or T-shirt from the company you work for…or anything else that your company produces as promotional materials.
- Antiques (small things like a special dish or a picture).
- A family heirloom, e.g. a special handkerchief of a grandmother.
- Old albums, CDs, white elephant stuff…