Reunion 2005
The 2005 Gottung (Gruny-Vetter-Eck) Reunion in Wausau/Marathon City, Wisconsin August 5-7 is now a memory. 42 family members attended one or all of the many activities that occurred over the weekend. Of course, numbered in that 42 were three new babies born since the first reunion in 2003-babies Mia Pistilli of California and Allison and Lillian Garski of Illinois! Honored through the weekend were the oldest generation members-Norbert Eck of California, Helen Garski and Gora Gianoli of Wausau and Adolph Gruny, Jr. of Marathon. Family members attended from Ohio, Iowa, California, Washington, Florida, Illinois, Minnesota, and Wisconsin.
From the traditional Fish Fry and karaoke on Friday night, to the walk across the Swinging Bridge, to the special mass at St. Mary’s, to the softball game, to the Pub Crawl in Marathon and Little Chicago’s “The Loopâ€Â—to the picnic and cenic beauty of Rib Mountain State Park, family members came together and shared a fun-filled weekend. Family members brought auction items that garnered $424 for reunion expenses.
The Gottung Website will continue to add new family photos and post family achievements and news! Let’s start thinking about Reunion 2007!!!